
1947 - Shop opened in Masagochou 10-chome, Gifu City, with 4 employees and annual sales of 20 million yen

1952 - Reorganized as a corporation and established Maruichi Wakita Shoten Co. Kazuo Wakita is appointed as Representative Director. 15 employees, annual sales of 100 million yen.

1970 - Company name changed to Wakita Corporation with 55 employees and annual sales of 1 billion yen

1978 - Capital increased to 49.5 million yen

1994 - Kazuo Wakita appointed Chairman and Noboru Wakita appointed President

1998 - Toshio Hayashi appointed President and Representative Director

2001 - License agreement signed with FICCE WOMO Co., Ltd. and “FICCE COLLEZIONE by yoshiyuki konishi” brand is launched

2001 - The 50th anniversary celebration is held. Annual sales reach 4.56 billion yen.

2003 - Launched the new brand “MJ (Michael Jackson)”.

2003 - Launches new brand “d.k.f produced by Don Konishi” in cooperation with designer Mr. Konishi. Simultaneously opened directly managed stores “d.k.f produced by Don Konishi” at Shibuya Parco, Nagoya Parco, Osaka Store, Shinjuku Marui Men's Building, and Kyoto Hankyu.

2004 - Annual sales reach 5 billion yen

2008 - Toshio Hayashi appointed Chairman and Osamu Takai appointed President

2009 - Launched the “ViVi fleurs” brand, a licensed brand for Kodansha's “ViVi” fashion magazine. Full-scale entry into women's products

2010 - Becomes a sub-licensee of “renoma” and launches a new brand strategy

2012 - Became a sub-licensee of “stanley blacker

2014 - Launched three directly-operated retail stores for women [Mai & Mai] and department store event business

2015 -  Expansion into the sportswear field with a focus on golf apparel

2017 -  Head office building is expanded. Sales department relocates to the new building

2019 -  Acquired master licensee of “FICCE

2020 -  Obtained master licensee for “stanley blacker

2020 -  Isolation gowns are made to order for medical institutions nationwide in response to the spread of new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)

2020 -  Enters into the bag and sundry goods business, including emergency carryout bags for use in times of disaster

2020 -  Become a sub-licensee of POLO BCS and RIZAP

2021 -  Acquires the light apparel division from Gazelle Co. Together with the Wakita Division of the heavy-duty apparel department, the company shifts to a full-fledged general apparel company.

2022 -  Becomes a sub-licensee of ELLE PLANETE

2022 -  Osamu Takai is appointed Chairman and Daizo Komura is appointed President. Launch of “Cross-Selling Strategy” to maximize synergy between Wakita and Gazelle

2024 -  Masahiro Chono and Wakita [Aristotle] begin selling the  [ARISTRIST]